Power based workouts
Can the target power be larger as its hard to see on small devices.
Also the bar at top of the screen that appears to move at will.... can that instead sit central based on target power and move to the left or right if you drift above or below the target power. Similar to the dial on zwift companion.
Cheeze McHeyzer commented
I am using a dumb trainer and power pedals and find it really hard to tell what power I should be aiming for. Especially during FTP ramp when power target is almost constantly changing. Audio alert on intermediate power changes would also help
Joseph MacKeen commented
I will add on to this request with the need to remove the power output warnings during an ERG session. I count on my smart trainer to continually adjust my output according to my workout parameters. it is annoying and distracting when every couple of minutes I receive a popup/alarm to increase or decrease my power.