PAIRING: Emulate Actual Bike Gearing
Maybe TPV can do this today, but the set-up gearing is confusing to me. All I want to do is exactly emulate my Shimano GRX gearing. It should be easy and straightforward. Help me, please

Barry Gaunt commented
"It should be easy and straightforward" said with a wave of the hand... :)
Perhaps it would be enough as a start to just emulate a change in chainring size? So if one had a physical chainring of 34t, say, a virtual shift range of 20t(2t)48t could be emulated. Would be easier than trying to emulate all the different cassette capacities (no. of cogs) and their size ranges (11t-28t, 10t-40t et.c).
(Not to speak of all the diffent wheel circumferences.)