EVENTS: Feature idea: Stem notes - cue sheets functionality
Summary: Stem notes aka cue sheets functionality when signing up to the event.
Stem note cue sheets would be a great way to plan a race or ride. For example in group rides or TT race they can be used to write down power targets either in time or kilometer scale, like from 5th kilometer (or 30th minute of the ride)) apply 250 W (for 10 minutes) and so on.
Like 25 km- >30 km P: 250 W, T: 1 0 min or
Like 5 min- >15 min P: 300 W
They could be used also traditional way to write down notes about race course - like hill gradients, attack points and so on
Like 25 km- >26 km C: 150 m, G: 6%.
This kind of feature would also make it easy to actually perform a workout inside a group ride or training race - one can write workout targets simply as cue sheets when planning a ride or when signing up to the event. This also solves the problem for those folks who have a scheduled workout at the same time they want to participate in some event.
So basically - you sign up a event -> it will be listed in users signed up event list page-> user navigates in that list to some event, clicks it and can fill in cue sheet data. Also there should be keyboard shortcut to display/hide cue sheets.
This “signed up event list” could be probably used for some other additional things and functionalities too.