FITFILES: Save workout at end, not at logout
TPV sends the data from a programmed workout plus the 0 W time between the end and logout. IOW, a 60 min workout that is logged out 5 minutes after the workout appears as a 65 min workout with 5 min of 0 W at the end. Confuses the weekly totals

Jim Edwards commented
Could a ride/race, when finished, have as the default stopping the timer rather than trying to find the STOP button?
Barry Gaunt commented
Recording the final 5 minutes of HR data could be useful for seeing how well you recover from the workout. (Although that recovery period could be included as a zero power interval in the workout itself).
TrainingPeaks Virtual has a forum here:
Todd commented
TPV continues to record until you log out. So, if you have a 60 min workout programmed, but don't save until 5 minutes after the end of the workout, TP gets the 60 minute workout with 5 minutes of 0 W riding. Throws off the weekly minute summary...