EVENTS: Improved UI for Setting up Group Events (humans, bots, field size)
When setting up a group ride, the Field Size, Human Riders Only, Passive / Aggressive Bot fields can be a bit confusing.
ie, I set up a group ride for today (copied another event) which had Passive bots checked. This time, I didn't want bots, so I unchecked passive bots, thinking if bots were NOT checked, I wouldn't have any on ride. But forgot I also needed to check Human Riders only. I set field size to 15.. and we had a mix of human riders and bots, with a total of 17 riders? so not sure how the field size works.
Think maybe a cleaner UI would be "Do you want Bots on your ride (Yes/ No)" If so, How many bots do you want added? and Do you want Passive or Aggressive Bots.
So then field size isn't required... Unless you want to limit the # of riders? but if you say No on bots, it should default to human only. and if you say yes to bots, think you should be able to input the # you want added to the ride. thx

L Boogie commented
to add, you can check both human riders only and passive bots at the same time.. so not sure which takes precedent :-)