305 search results
More than 2 Metrics in Metrics Chart · Future Opportunity
Full functionality or allow mobile login from website · Planned
provide additional metrics
Import skiing from Apple Health/Slopes · Future Opportunity
iOS widget displaying the big 3 (CTL, ATL & TSB) · Completed
Garmin Connectivity
Add support for Train.Red SmO2 sensors · Planned
Aggregate Analytics
TSS/CTL/ATL Ramp rate and over training warning · Completed
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Insights • Predictive analysis: Use AI to identify training patterns and suggest personalized adjustments base · Future Opportunity
large font
Automated email explain reason for removal from race · Future Opportunity
Auto Title Workouts Based on Location · Future Opportunity
Elevation Gain per Distance (Activity Metric and Weekly Dashboard)
Direct way to link trainings from the rowing app "NK Link"
Garmin Index BP montiro
Display weekday in PMC pop-up · Completed
hover over hints for what each number represents · Future Opportunity
set dates per athlete in analistics