WORLD: Avatars - User height information used for rendering taller or smaller rider
Could you implement different sized riders by using the user height data? This could potentially also require size selection for the bikes as well. I mean why should 160cm user look same sized as 210cm user in TPV?
I assume the user height and weight data is already used in calculating the resistance when riding uphill (how about downhill?) but do you also consider the height for the increased body surface area to have an increased wind resistance? Or when pacing a taller rider one could have more/better draft?

Many thanks for your suggestion, and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
To confirm, the TrainingPeaks Virtual physics engine already takes into account the height and weight of riders, so - to use your example - you will already experience a higher drafting effect when sitting behind a larger rider.
All that is currently missing is the graphical representation of that.