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TrainingPeaks Virtual Customer Feedback

TrainingPeaks Virtual Customer Feedback



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  1. There was previously a feature request for this, but I think it was incorrectly marked as completed.

    It would be good to be able to store your custom workout files in the cloud (i.e. as an enhancement to TrainingPeaks) so that they are available across all of your devices. The file sizes are only very small so this should be feasible even for very large libraries.

    Whilst you can add a workout to TP to have it available in TPV, if you don't have access to the file in the first place because it's on your home PC and…

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  2. The experience for me so far has been extremely poor and frustrating because I have gotten a "network error" issue and the ride shuts down mid-way through a workout. That's a super frustrating has not happened to me on Zwift. I'm not sure if it's a clientside or serverside issue but the app needs to allow a workout to continue even if there is a blip in the network.

    I'm trying my third workout tonight but if this happens a third time I'm probably not coming back.

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    Many thanks for letting us know about this, and your support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.

    This appears to be a bug as the platform should already allow you to continue riding on your own (and therefore able to complete a workout) even if you are disconnected from the server, for whatever reason.

    We've turned on some advanced logging for your account so if this happens again we'll get full diagnostics and will be able to understand what is different about your system's configuration compared to others (who don't see this issue) and to debug and fix the issue quickly for you.

  3. When HRM, PM or Trainer go to sleep and wakeup during training (e.g. Take a brake) often then its dont reconnect again automaticaly.
    Defore the change pairing interface thats problem are absent!
    The new pairing interface often forgets previously established connections!

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  4. When spectating a group workout, the action bar at the bottom shows controls to enable and disable ERG mode, and increase or decrease the difficulty. The increase and decrease buttons are also shown about the workout details.
    I am not sure if they actually affect the rider being watched, but probably better not to show them at all?
    Also, the workout progress is not shown? The event I was spectating was nearly finished, but the workout details still showed as if the warmup hadn't been started.

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  5. It would be hugely valuable to be able to write Moxy data to .fit file. I am so glad to see that I was able to pair my Moxy sensor and display SmO2 and THb data fields but it doesn't appear that this data is written to the .fit file. Adding this feature would separate TrainingPeaks Virtual from competition and open up tons of advanced training options.

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  6. Curaçao is missing from the list of countries when you set your profile. I see our neighbor Aruba is listed, but not Curaçao. Please add it. (It's a small country, so I don't expect many people to care, but if you're reading this, please Yes!!)

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  7. The Elite Misuro B+ is the ant+/bluetooth module for Elite HT (e.g. Elite Qubo Power HT) , that computes and broadcast through Ant+ (and BT) the rider's Power and estimated Cadence. Ant+ is largely prefered as it is much less battery-intensive.
    With previous TPV pairing system, the powermeter worked well, and cadence OK (sometimes showed at 0 at initial pairing, but exiting TPV and reentering it usually solved the issue).
    With the new pairing system, powermeter is still OK, but Cadence through ANT+ is ALWAYS at 0, with makes it unusable. The sensor has a "3755" reference (for both cadence…

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  8. I’d like to be able to have in-game voice chat for those riding near me to easily communicate, as I would do outside.

    Something like “press a keyboard key” and be within +/- 5 meters to enable talking to those riders in-game?

    This could help with the socialization on group rides as well as tactically working with riders within the breakaway

    Obviously this is something you can disable if you are not interested

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  9. Hi, i have a Garmin HRM+ (BLE) and Tacx Neo 2T. Both connected previously well via Apple TV to the TPV app. Since the latest release they do not connect.

    The TPV app keeps searching and searching and eventually finds the Tacx but then does not connect.

    Using the TPV app on iPhone it immediately picks up both devices and connects. But on the TPV app on Apple TV.

    Actually i have tried this same on the Fulgaz app which is also installed on Apple TV and it worked immediately. So this is not an Apple TV issue, but a…

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  10. Power zones are imported well from TP, presumably because most people use 6 or 7 power zones as standard. TPV assumes the same for HR, but a 5-zone system is more common. Every time I open TPV, my Zone 1/2 boundary and Zone 2/3 boundary are the same, presumably because I have only 5 HR zones defined in TP. Each subsequent zone boundary is off by one zone compared to my TP zones. If the number of zones cannot be imported from TP, then I request that the imported zones are justified to Zone 1/2, rather than Zone 6/7.

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  11. Add the Humon Hex to the smo2 sensors. I know the Humon Hex is not sold anymore, but probably there are still many users out there owning one. Since the Moxy is already there, the Humon Hex might be easy to implement. Here are some hints at the bluetooth protocol:

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  12. Team members should be easy to connect with from the members rooster. Or the search should have a choice named team so i could lookup for my mates and connect with certain if them

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  13. Navigation on Apple TV is rather difficult. The UI seems overly sensitive to switching fields compared to Zwift. I try to swipe down to get to the next field, but it goes 2-3 fields ahead. It was similar when using the remote app on the phone as well. This is obviously not an issue for a computer that has a mouse, or touch screen display.

    Likewise, using left/right/up/down to navigate the UI doesn’t always seem to go to the next field that seems intuitive.

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  14. If the connection gets lost during the workout the result is an incomplete upload in Training Peaks main app. Nonetheless the whole workout file is recorded on my device as a fit file.
    The solution is to manualy delete the uploaded workout and reupload the file from the datafolder on you system.

    can you please automate this behaviour???


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  15. Expand each "family" of Pacebot to offer more route variation. e.g. have a Roxy Ruby, Robert Ruby, Rachel Ruby. All would be 215w-265w but do a different route.

    Ideally there would be at least 3; one doing a flat route, one doing a hilly route, and one in the middle.

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  16. Add pen type by age:
    up to 20 years
    20-29 years
    30-39 years
    40-49 years
    50-59 years
    60-69 years
    70+ years

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  17. For new people coming onto the platform I’d really like it to be very easy for them to find a race that showcases all the great things about TPV (braking corners, high winds, etc).

    At the moment there are not that many races throughout the day (specifically evening times América) to make it easy for newcomers to find a good TPV race

    Maybe have it be a monthly challenge so there is an event every hour that has things like wind, braking, and such?

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  18. When I start riding after about 30mins my MacBook goes into standby/ screen saver mode and I have to stop my ride to touch get off and touch the computer again as it’s set up on a table a bit in front of me. I’ve tried to change settings on my Mac to not go into standby mode at all but I can’t get it to work. I don’t have this issue when on Zwift it just stays open.

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  19. I was quite interested in yesterday's update, specifically this line:

    "Added Zen mode for focused training, riding alone in peace."

    "This week's release (see below for more details), headlines with more of your ideas, including the new Zen Mode, enabling you to train in peace and focus on your own riding without the distraction of other riders or chat."

    But I cannot find any documentation for "Zen Mode" outside of this comment. I have updated my app and searched everywhere for a Zen Mode function, but I don't see it.

    When new features are added, instructions should be provided somewhere.

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    Many thanks for your suggestion and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.

    There's no doubt that the documentation can be improved, and we'll make that happen.

    In the meantime, Zen mode can be activated from Main Menu > Options > UI Settings and will turn off the display of other riders (and their chat) allowing you to ride in peace and just focus on your own training!

  20. I am a cycling athletic trainer certified by the Italian Cycling Federation. I would like to ask if it would be possible to implement a LIVE Coach function on TrainingPeaks. I would love to create group training sessions, appearing as a coach in a window on the virtual TrainingPeaks platform, where I can explain and ride along with the athletes following me. This feature is also available on MyWoosh, but I believe it could be implemented and improved further.

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