MECHANICS: Gamify it!
Add some dopamine boosting elements:
- some kind of bonuses (not necessarily like Zwift ones)
- achievements
- some bonuses for riding through gates
- live ranking of segments
- checkboxes / stats of completed routes
- ranks / levels
- etc
Many thanks for your suggestion and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
In general, some degree of gamification can be good, but we need to be careful not to go too far - for example, we would not want to do anything that encouraged an athlete to train when it would be better for them to be resting etc.
It's therefore an area we will certainly be looking at, but at this stage it's unclear what changes we may or may not make.
Juggernaut Endurance Coaching commented
I am indifferent on XP and equipment, but segment times would be really nice. Even if it's just comparing my own efforts, it would be nice to see if my times are improving on climbs, etc. Otherwise the KOM gates feel... vestigial.
[Deleted User] commented
IMO, any "gamification" should be tied to training/fitness gains (Training Peaks IS a real training service, after all), not km's ridden, etc. The cartoonish gamification of Zwift has always put me off. I'm also of the opinion that virtual racing should keep as many things as equal as possible, like some forms of auto racing in which the driver makes the difference because the cars are the same. If I ride most of my miles outside, why should I be penalized if I choose to race occasionally because I haven't "earned" sweet equipment?
Nathan Troia commented
No keep it as realistic outdoor simulator. Segments isn't a bad idea though
Priita commented
Carrots and squirrels are in zwift. TrainingPeaks is serious training application.
Nick Taylor commented
Please don't! One of the attractions of TP-V for me is the lack of "gamification". It's a distraction imo.
Alex Fuller commented
The magic of Zwift for me was chasing the XP. Add it XP for completing routes, riding miles, etc. If I ride indoors and I'm not logged in to TPVirtual, oh well. But if I knew I was missing out on XP - different story.
Jarvis commented
Live segments wouldn't be a bad idea, the user can chose to push or not through these segments. Doesn't need to be every route but only on certain routes maybe
Catherine VanRhee commented
How about the ability to earn equipment that can give you an advantage? IRL equipment choice can make a difference and is very tactical decision so I think it is in keeping with the goals of TPVirtual. Equipment must be bought IRL so perhaps a way to 'earn' it within the game would make sense? Regardless of whether it's considered a 'gamification' I think we should be able to have a 'garage' where we can accumulate different equipment and choose our equipment for our rides. I will post a separate suggestion for this.
easterndan commented
Please no. Please.
Jamie Bishop commented
Lets not try and make a Zwift clone!
Harju commented
I hope that these thing you mentioned will be never done in TPV! Please go back to Zwift.
DanielLeBlanc commented
Achievements is a good idea