HUB: Apple TV Bluetooth connection limitation
Are there plans to introduce a phone app that can act as a sensor bridge to get past the Apple TV limitation of only being able to pair two devices? Have an older smart trainer with no cadence sensor built-in so have to forego the HRM pairing.
Cycfanatic commented
Using ATV if a workout has been completed and smart trainer and HRM all worked fine, if you then go back to the workout of the day selection screen and select another workout to do TPV comes back and says that no Bluetooth devices are available and scan function does not find the devices. You physically have to power off ATV and go back in to allow it to find the devices and do the next work out
Cycfanatic commented
Running TPV with ATV. If my heart rate monitors have been used on another app when I go into TP it finds my smart trainer with power and cadence ok but TPV can’t see HRM devices and the scan just sits there spinning. You physically have to power the ATV off and log all the way back in and TPV automatically finds the HRM and all is then good. So resolve how Bluetooth controls the channels as it has 2 on ATV but has issues with second one. Other apps all work fine with
Tim Meeker commented
Agreed. Most of us have three connections. The trainer, a power meter, and heart rate monitor. Apple TV only handles 2. Something like the companion app on Zwift manages this by using the iPhone to manage the Bluetooth device connections and then ports it to the Apple TV device.
Barry Gaunt commented
Compared with the very early versions of the Apple TV app (IndieVelo Founder's Edition) I have experience zero issues lately. Using Tacx Neo 2T and Polar H10/Garmin HRM-Pro Plus.
Felipe Serra commented
lot of issues trying to pair devices on BLE in apple tv. sometimes doesn't find anything, sometimes just the trainer, sometimes only the HR... Everything on the same room, everything close to each other. comming from zwift, companion app may solve this, but pairing devices on the two slots in apple tv is a pain in the ...
Felipe Serra commented
lot of issues trying to pair devices on BLE in apple tv. sometimes doesn't find anything, sometimes just the trainer, sometimes only the HR... Everything on the same room, everything close to each other. comming from zwift, companion app may solve this, but pairing devices on the two slots in apple tv is a pain in the ...
Alberto Pino Postigo commented
Same problem here, cant connect the trainer, bike powermeter and HR band at the same time. A companion app would be a good solution
Frederico Cerdeira commented
Companion app to solve this. Critical.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem with my Kickr Bike in not being able to use HR. I prefer using a large screen TV to a phone, tablet or computer screen and was ecstatic when the Apple TV version of Training Peaks Virtual was released but that was short lived. I normally pair to Zwift with the iPhone companion app. My ride data is useless without HR.
Richard Golding commented
This would be a massive improvement . Great to hear it is being planned
Ronan Kieran commented
Similar issue here. It would be great to see a TP 'bridging App' due the limitations of Apple TV (not TPV). I cant see the benefit in having to choose my favorite child data wise as we cant up load to TP post session - ie do a training spin on TPV without HR on screen, maybe on Headunit to see it - we then cant add this file to the gpx / fit file post ride. Or if under guidance from a coach we have cadence and HR targets we have multiple screens to viewI love the concept and execution of the platform but I think the 'bridging' is critical to apple tv take up.