6 results found
New strength workout builder to sync with WKO
the new strength workout builder does not currently sync to WKO (unlike the old version of the strength workout). This is very frustrating, and currently my workaround is to create a duplicate workout using the old strength workout, so that I do have one which has sync'd to WKO.
10 votes -
Multi - File Analisys
Bring back the function that WKO3 had. The ability to review and compare several section or intervals from several workout files. Example a set of 3 min on 3 min off that an athlete did each Tuesday for the last 4 weeks. It would be useful to be able to compare those in a single "view".
It would also be useful to be able to do the same with different athletes. Example two athletes do the same event (single or multi-sport) and view the event metrics in a single file.18 votes -
Intergate a pre determined "route" via.gpx (etc) into a workout.
Add the ability to load a route, harvested from many platforms, Garmin, Strava, Kamoot, RideWith GPS, etc to plan a pre determine route or segments as part or the work out. This could be imported as a past workout or a "planned" work out with data to be auto loaded into the current "planned" workout for time, distance, work,tss, if etc . This would be very useful for those of us that coach more locally based and are familiar with local routes, goals and times.
9 votesThank you for the feedback. This is a common request and has been added to that project’s feedback.
Future opportunities have not been added to our road map yet, but we are actively collecting feedback which contributes to the prioritization process. We do not want to set up false expectations and want to make sure that there is awareness that this update currently is not prioritized and does not have an ETA.
pro's data
I wanna check the immortal pro's data, like Froome, Nino schurter, Julien Absalon, would you kindly show me the way?
1 voteWe often provide data from our professional athletes whom have been so kind as to expressly allow us to do so. You can find this information on our blog as well as our social posts. Thanks for your suggestion.
Left / right leg power split from Computrainer
Computrainer records left and right leg power, but this information is lost when the file is transferred to TrainingPeaks.
7 votesIf possible export the workout as a .FIT file and Left/Right power data will be read from the file.
Averages for WKO or Tp.com power charts-avg up highlighted selections
Be nice to have a simple "selections avg" for power or all the standard metrics listed in the table. Give an average for all highlighted selections within a workout. Thus if you have several 1 minute intervals and wanted to see the average of them, no more pulling out the calculators
15 votes
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