Watt/kgKG im Dashboard
Mir fehlt die Abgabe Watt je kg Körpergewicht in der Fahrerliste und im Dashboard als wählbare Option. Geschwindigkeiten sind da weniger interessant.
Thank you for your suggestion, and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
Watts per Kilo are however deliberately not shown - please see the following article for discussion about why, and what TrainingPeaks Virtual displays instead to help you with your training and racing.
TrainingPeaks Virtual Rider Weight and Displaying Effort – TrainingPeaks Help Center
Jamie Bishop commented
I know zwift users think this is missing, but in reality it's an unhealthy metric based around users weight and all the issues that go along with that.
In reality in game when racing all you need to know is if the group or rider ahead/behind is going faster or slower than you you.
I was put off with it not here when I joined iV at the start of the year but it becomes pretty clear that its not needed and for yourself you know your own weight and can just do the calculation in your head for your own W/kg