The organizer may select a "Ride-leader" from the pool of signed-up riders.
In a "club" you might have an organizer creating events. Sometimes you need another rider than the organizer to be the "Ride leader".
Some times you need a specific rider or a person not neccesarily participating in the ride (a coach or commissioner) to be able to write "broadcast" messenges in the middle of the screen.
When we (eCKD) create group rides (or workouts) we need a specific rider to be able to broadcast messages, - a coach to guide the group :-) Often this coach is particpating in the ride but sometimes just want to spectate and instruct.
In a race this could be a dedicated commissioner, - or just the normal organizer (or appointed "Ride-leader") wishing to welcome etc. But this person also need to be able to participate in the normal global chat.
Challenges with current functionality:
1) A club-account (for the time being "Broadcast-account" from indieVelo) can not participate in a ride. That is, if the club-account is the organizer this profile can only spectate through "Broadcast" and here only write to team. That is, noone can type messenges in the middle of the screen in these events as it is now.
2) If normal user has created the event, then global messenges always goes to middle of screen. And the user needs to join race for this, having the avatar standing in start pen. Perhaps you are a coach who want sometimes to ride and type broadcast messenges and sometimes just to spectate and type your instructions.
Needed functionality:
1) In "Check & Edit Scheduled Events" an organizer should be able to select a "Ride-leader" from the [Signups] list (similar functionality as choosing Active Team under "Profile", and the organizer is by default="Ride-leader").
2) The "Ride-leader" should have an extra option in "Send message" pop-up: [Local][Group][Team][Global][Broadcast]. Here messenges to broadcast goes to middle of screen, but "Ride-leader" can still particpate in normal global chat.
3) In Event Organisation > Broadcast Stream a "Ride-leader" should see relevant events eventhough not the organizer! And then from here [View] and have that ekstra [Broadcast] message option in (2).
Issue to consider:
What to do when using pens?