EVENTS: Import GPX routes of races you want to compeet
I'm a triathlete and I travel alot abrought to compeet in T100 or 70.3 races. It would be nice to import the gpx-files of these races into TP Virtual and ride the course with all elevations. Something like a combination of Best Bike Split and TP Virtual.
I don't care if the TP Virtual landscape would not match the elevation of the gpx-track.

Peyrol commented
Route creation with elevation and Zone from GPX file:
Import GPX file and recreate elevation based on the GPX
and also possibility to create zone workout based on the GPX file.Given the option to do both zone workout or elevation terrain.
this will allow people to train on their target race with the GPX file provided by the organisation. -
Andy Campbell commented
The ability to add a GPS or gpx file and ride it with accurate slope etc.
Like RGT used to allow. Thanks -
Paul Burns commented
I would like to upload a gpx track to ride in ERG mode or other modes, with map viewed during ride, even using the google street view if possible.
Svenne Vangoethemd commented
This feature would be the max for anyone who wants to compete! I agree this feature alone would not hesitate me to make TPV and TP Premium my one and only app that i would need to track my data. I know it might be difficult but i also prefer this kind of feature than some better graphics or other benefits. If you could make this possible, i bet you'll have a great surplus against other platforms. Thanks in advance!
Andy Campbell commented
I really miss RGT and would love to be able to ride my own gpx files.
Skyler Sopp commented
I think a merger with BikeTerra (or similar platform) to allow racing on any route would be really cool!
TPV and racing engine combined with the ability to race in any real world location would make for the most dominate indoor platform out there 💪🏻
Mike Ludwig commented
I agree. As an experienced user of this capability in Racermate and RGT, it is imperative that we have the capability to smooth GPX files before importing them for workouts or events. An automated GPX smoothing capability, similar to GPXMagic would be ideal. ).