EVENTS: Creating custom routes with landscape resembling the real world
The magic road in RGT was a good concept to be able to create custom routes based on existing GPX files (minus the manual smoothing of gradients and turns). However, the randomly generated landscape and roads (with no intersections) made it almost non recognizable even for riders that had ridden on the actual route. If with the help of AI, data from Google Maps (for road names), satellite images and street view, the surrounding landscape and intersections, etc. could be generated to be close enough so users could recognize in which part of the route they are at or enjoy a close resembles to the real world, I think that would be a game changer. Teams/individuals could ride on their favorite routes, practice courses for races/events, try out new courses virtually before they ride on real ones, etc.

Clive Holland commented
I'd like to be able to import a route of a race bike route (e.g. from Garmin connect).
Marjory McCoy commented
Add additional routes with real life scenery. Something like tour de France routes
Skyler Sopp commented
I don’t need to create custom routes from the world or from scratch, I just want to be able to draw my own routes from the currently available roads in TPV.
Also if the map had colors to define different features like braking locations, gradients, etc
Lynn Minchinton-Gilley commented
Please don't waste development time on magic roads and candy colours on it. I assume TPv riders are focusing on data and fitness and that is the stuff most of us want to be functioning. And please don't introduce the 'thumbs up' emoji TPv does not need to replicate this affirmation! Thanks for listening to ideas.
easterndan commented
Please don’t waste resources on this
David Finch commented
If you want hyper-realistic for a particular route then you might get lucky with KinoMap, Rouvy or Fulgaz
Nick Taylor commented
Nice idea but a BIG extension of the functionality! I imagine that the Magic Roads IP is still owned by Wahoo so it might be possible to have a conversation about licensing it. I expect that George has quite enough on his "To Do" list for now however.
gethinceri commented
THIS!!!! RGT was great for this feature and it really helped in training for upcoming events.