UI/UX: Exit button in the Hub
I tried TPV for the first time after looking around it a bit. Seems the Hub is the central point for things to happen. You enter your activity from there and then end up back there afterwards. Big problem for me was I couldn't find where to quit the thing. There is no obvious easy to see button to Exit!!! First few times I ended up force quitting because I couldn't find how to get out. Eventually I found the save and exit button hidden at the end of all the other stuff in Options!!! This is so difficult to find and in such an out of the way place you are going to catch a lot of people out with this one!! Put a large easy to see Quit button on the main Hub interface somewhere where everyone would expect to find one please!!!

Ken Ryder commented
Yes, we need an "Exit without Saving" This is important. I was looking over my scheduled ride in the VR and when I exited without doing anything but look at my ride, it sent a note to my coach I completed the ride. Not a good start to the morning!