WORKOUTS: editing .zwo workouts in TP/TPV
Is it possible at this stage, in TP or TPVirtual, to edit .zwo workouts that have been imported from Zwift.

Todd Turner commented
When a workout comes across from training peaks. Can you be able to edit it? For instance when you do a FTP ride from MyProCoach the 20min free ride is for some reason set up as your old FTP you need to be able to edit workout to make the 20min section free ride
Barry Gaunt commented
Not necessary. Because there are already web based ZWO editors available. Google is your friend...
Harju commented
TPV does not need workout editor as it is available in TraininPeaks app. So maybe it's better idea to ask to add TP zwo fail import.
Claudio Della Ricca commented
Mi piacerebbe che ci fosse la possibilità di creare e modificare gli allenamenti direttamente dalla app virtuale senza doverli importare da una app terza