UI/UX: Auto Login/Single Rider Home
I am the only one that rides in my home and this is quite trivial, but maybe allowing the 1 account that is configured on my TPV app to auto-login vs clicking the profile to login. Right now, it will show my profile/new profile/existing profile. An auto login check mark next to my account in my profile would just all me to skip this prompt and go straight into TPV.

Stephen Crescenti commented
Basically, you "singling clicking" on your profile is not an auto-login. The computer I am using is dedicated to my indoor trainer, so when launching TPV, having it go straight in would be a nice feature. Similar to the auto-login on Plex if you have ever used it.
Jared commented
I would like this as well.
Barry Gaunt commented
Sorry, but I don't understand your request. When I start TrainingPeaks Virtual, on PC or Apple TV, I just single click on my name (or OK) and I'm in.