I was doing a workout on TPV and everything looked fine. I had some pauzes in a 2h workout but timers all worked accordingly. When i pauzed, 1st time i didn't hit any key on laptop but avatar and timers went in pauze mode. After a while i started pedalling again and everything fine (as usual). Next stop i've hit pauze button (down on screen) to pauze timers and avatar (as i was riding in a downhill) and wanted to pauze everything. I came back and continued and again, everything fine again. After 2h my workout was done and i finished the workout exiting the world (as usual) and everything OK. Not anything to remark from here.
But when i wanted to check my training in TP, i was shocked that i only could see 30-ish minutes of my workout! Checking history in TPV, also shows that i only have done 30-ish minutes of training. This must be a bug. I don't know what has or could have been caused this error. I hope this can be solved (or maybe i did something wrong) but it would be great to solve this.
I;ve included some files. Contact me if you wish some more info. Thank you.
PS: would like to know what has been the problem. Thx
Many thanks for letting us know about this, and your support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
This is something that is probably better handled by Customer Support (virtual@trainingpeaks.com) rather than as an enhancement request. Please can you reach out to them, and we'll close this item here.
Svenne Vangoethemd commented
Ok. Thanks.