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300 search results

  1. Show Efficiency Factor for Run workouts with Power Data  ·  Completed

  2. offline mode for mobile apps  ·  Future Opportunity

  3. Sync with Oura Ring and Hyperice Apps.  ·  Future Opportunity

  4. Automatic setup for WKO by automatically importing athletes and data from TP.

  5. meals in mobile app  ·  Declined

  6. A feature that I have been looking for is some way for TrainingPeaks to notify me that an athlete has commented or modified a workout since  ·  Completed

  7. OpenAI Chat Integration for Instant Feedback and Analysis  ·  Future Opportunity

  8. App with easy integration with Concept2 rower  ·  Completed

  9. Predicted CTL, ATL, TSB on calendar  ·  Completed

  10. Support novel metrics  ·  Future Opportunity

  11. Chart for dashboard that shows me historic & future ramp rate based on the workouts completed/planned (that have TSS/IF of course).  ·  Completed

  12. apple watch app

  13. The new Analyze page is a really long window and not resizable, and Laps hide data

  14. Add Support for Blood Glucose for Graphing and Analysis

  15. Show predicted CTL, ATL, TSB on Race day in the new athlete's home  ·  Completed

  16. Display decoupling for all sport types when the data to calculate it is present  ·  Completed

  17. Reports show '7 Day' totals but actually includes 8 days.  ·  Future Opportunity

  18. % Completed Vs Planned Sessions  ·  Future Opportunity

  19. Addition of Scatter Plot Functionality to Dashboards for Enhanced Data Analysis

  20. Editable Historic Threshold Values with Date Ranges of validity  ·  Completed