Improved Women's Health Tracking
I think it would be great if we could integrate our menstrual cycle in the app. Not just the days we are bleeding but the whole cycle, since we know that the week/days before the bleeding start are the most critical. Once most women start bleeding, then the symptoms get less strong. It would therefore be useful to have an overview of the whole cycle, with predictions for the next month based on your historical data. This would be a critical point for female athletes and important information for coaches to plan better. It would also increase female health and make this app more attractive to female clients. We could either directly track our period in TP, or synch it with dedicated menstrual apps such as Clue (preferred option).

Jenny Bone commented
This would be a huge improvement to the app. At the moment I have to track via other apps such as garmin and then manually calculate where each phase of my period aligns with my training. This should be a default feature of TP
Renate Pflamitzer commented
There are already suggestions about the integration of the female cycles on the calender. Maybe there could be different colours for
- bleeding
- follicle phase
- luteal phaseIt would be easier to plan workouts.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards,
Renate -
[Deleted User] commented
Oura has this too so maybe add that to the integration?
Ines Kobel commented
Integrating Gamin data from periodic circle in TP.
Ben commented
It would be helpful to have a shading for custom periods on charts. For example, to show my prep for a big event, or to show my recovery from injury between dates X and Y. This would be most helpful on longer-term chart views (e.g. a year or more). Seeing how my training went for a successful event can help me benchmark my current training and performance.
Anne Martinelli commented
Add Basal Body Temperature metric for cycle-based training for female athletes (not core temperature during workouts, but one morning measurement a day for cycle tracking).
Noé Marco Ortuño commented
Yo la menstruación se la programo con el training plans, me cree varios calendarios según los ciclos y con varios meses para ir metiendo cada vez que se me acaba, una vez creados es muy rápido.
juanp vazquez commented
buenas tardes, me gustaría poder repetir las actividades por días y no por semanas. Con eso por ejemplo puedo anotarme una actividad que se llame MENSTRUACIÓN y poner para que se repita cada 27 días o 28 días, o 30 días, según la menstruación y los ciclos de cada deportista femenina.
Gracias -
Amy Wakefield commented
I would love to see a pre menstrual metric where I can log cramping, bloating, mood, fatigue, cravings, and of course weight is there already. The current metric only allows tracking of the actual period, but it's the week before that us gals go whack ;). Once the bleeding starts, the symptoms subside within a day or 2. The bleeding in its self should not be an issue unless you have a medical problem. I personally have struggled with excessive bleeding due to poly-cystic overies, not ideal, not normal.
It would be so great for my coach and I to monitor my performance during this time and thus be able to manage it.
Some articles around education on the menstrual cycle / hormonal contraception etc for coaches and athletes would also be amazing. Dr Stacy Sims has some incredible insight into all that, so perhaps a collaboration would be an idea.
Keen to hear thoughts on this!
Péter Takács commented
For female athletes, separate menstrual periods may be useful information!
Anonymous commented
Garmin currently tracks this, so may be an easy integration?
Angela commented
How about changing the selections in the metrics for menstruation to phases of the menses cycle (I.e.: menstruation, follicular, ovulation, or luteal) or day rather than degree of blood flow during menstruation? This would be very helpful to see patterns of fatigue, overall feeling, etc. that might be linked to stages of the menses cycle. Recording the amount of blood flow during menstruation does not currently allow us females to see trends in our monthly cycle since the amount of blood flow is typically only during a small portion of our cycle (menstruation), thereby ignoring the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal stages. Blood flow doesn’t really give us females any useful data to plan or adjust our training.
Dave commented
Completely agree with Kelly.
Kelly Mepham commented
There is currently available a way of tracking menstruation on TP, but the biggest factors from a coaching perspective are the PMS and ovulation symptoms, which aren't easily trackable on the system right now. Being able to track and analyse data relating to the cycle would make session planning easier, and provide more effective training.
Leslie commented
Please add menstrual cycle tracking, along with symptoms tracking (for greater swath of female athletes).
Could also add in symptoms in general- illness, injury...
perimenopause -
Anonymous commented
TP needs to allow 3rd party software such as Garmin tracking or Wild AI to sync menstrual cycle phase data to the feed. Or allow an input for the whole month that accounts for an estimation of the 4 different phases of the cycle. This will allow coaches to set up training for their female athletes appropriately
Sue Allen commented
I am not 100% sure how to improve it, but the way women are able to record their menstrual cycle at the moment is not great. To help with the way that it can become an open conversation between all coaches and athletes and feel as normal as recording weight etc.