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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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181 results found

  1. I build my strength workouts using the new strength builder, but when my Garmin records the activity and comes through as an old strength activity, I cannot pair the two. Am I doing this wrong, or is this functionality not available yet?

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  2. As a coach I want to be able to find in one place all trainings of my athlete for the current day so I can review team all of them and provide feedback.

    Currently I have to go one by one checking if my athletes had something planned for today, I would like to see a list of all activities completed by day.

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  3. As I new user, I find the current workout graphs nearly impossible to read and get information from because all the traces are on the same graph, and the traces get in the way of each other. Can we please have the option to have each trace on a separate set of axes, but with the x-axis aligned and the same scale for each graph.

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  4. I'm looking for a possibility to enlarge my training plan screen on the web version of TrainingPeaks. At the moment it's only a sidebar. If folder names are too long you can't see them.

    I need Londer folder names because there are no sub folder. I try to organise my training plans because they are in different languages.

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  5. Plant man ein HIIT structured workout wäre es sehr hilfreich wenn ein Intervall (zb 8 x 30/30) plus Serienpause (zb 5' Zone 2) mittels copy/paste vervielfältigen könnte, so dass dann 3 x 8 x 30/30, SP 5' entsteht.
    Alternative wäre die Möglichkeit zur Angabe einer Serienanzahl - analog zur Spezifikationen von Intervallen.

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  6. The latest 'refresh' is difficult on the eyes and washed out. Can't make everyone happy, I know, but give us the option for a dark mode or different themes to choose from and don't change them, please and thank you.

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  7. If you want to download an athlete's entire training history or workout summary data, then you have to do it one year at a time, which is cumbersome and takes a while. It would be great to be able to download an entire history at once.

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  8. allow attachment of .ZWO files to workouts in Trainingpeaks - currently that file format seems disallowed from being attached - I have athletes that insist on using Zwift for workouts and I've got to get them the workouts without having to jump out into email and sending them.

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  9. A literal pain in the eye to get close to see the very faint text. TP has done it again, un-needed changes when everything finally was back to working pretty good most of the time. Why did you all change things to pastel colors. faint text, just terrible! Go back!

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  10. Please shrink the workout boxes and comment font back to what they were before the recent update. A lot of my athletes comment extensively. I catch these via the Home Update list on the right of the screen. At a glance, it seems like I am getting about half the information within the screen that I am accustomed to.

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  11. The New Calendar Look on the desktop feels too white-wahsed. Run and Walk icons look nearly identical (minus the heal being lifted). Previously the training file icons had more and different color to them. On quick glance, the previous icons were easier to identify. I feel this week for me, writing schedules has taken 1.5x as long.

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  12. I may be missing something, but when using the Training Peaks website on an iPad the metrics window is too large. The command buttons on the bottom are not visible, and cannot be scrolled to.

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  13. While I am all for updates, I find the new style and size of the font on the web version updates make it very difficult to view activities clearly, or read text below the activity name.
    The activity name and basic states used to be much bolder and larger sized font. The text below is now so small, I am now unable to read this without significantly increasing the screen size in my browser settings.

    The activity icons are not as clear and bold as they used to be and I find myself having to really try to focus on…

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  14. The new 2025 redesigned blue color in some places is too contrasted and "painful" to see.
    Reduce the contrast of the blue color, also the accessibility tool should help with it.

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  15. An overview over all athlets with their planned races? And last races?
    In the moment I have to use a Excelsheet for that and double work.

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  16. I have training plans in my library that I want to delete, however, there is no option to remove a training plan from your account entirely. Please add this as an option.


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  17. It would be great to be able to add a holiday or Race/Events to a generic calendar for the entire training season or year and have that appear in the calendars of all athletes you wish to apply it to. This avoids having to add them for each athlete individually and thus saves time.

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  18. I would like to be able to view the group workouts with the exact training programs in the web version tpvirtualhub. Now you have to start TPV to see which program is used in group trainings

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  19. I work with a coaching company and we put a lot of work into building workouts for the whole company to use in collaboration. Any one of us can create a folder and share it, but the other coaches cannot add any workouts into said folder once shared. It would be really helpful to have a company wide folder in which all of our coaches can submit their own workouts into it for the use of other coaches in the group. Right now, each one of us would have to create a folder and share with all the other coaches,…

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  20. 3 votes

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