Self coached athletes can create plans for themselves
Today its possible for self coached athletes to create custom workouts and schedule them per drag and drop in the calendar.
It would be nice, if self coached athletes can create their own custom plans (e.g. 4week base and so on) and safe them in a folder for annual planning.
This feature will not replace real coaches, just make it easier for those who don't want a coach at all.

Carl-Eric Bouchard commented
Please this would be an indispensable feature to add!!
Carl-Eric Bouchard commented
As a self coached athlete I would love the ability to make my own custom training plan that I can modify and reuse. The work around right now is to create all the individual workouts in my library and add them individually to on my calendar. This is extremely labour intensive and requires me to keep separate documentation of the plans. Adding a training plan building feature for self coached athletes to the premium membership would really by value-added and make the whole experience of planning our training more efficient and enjoyabe.
Anonymous commented
I'm cancelling my TP account because this isn't available. Ridiculous gatekeeping. Athletes that aren't coached still care about tracking their training. I can get more value out of an excel spreadsheet and Strava. People are busy and don't have time to manually create "plans" by dragging workouts in every week. The value of coaching comes from coaching, not the ability to make a 12-week plan in TP.
Thayer Moeller commented
I accidentally deleted a workout from my calendar that was part of a 12-week base Joe Friel plan. In order to get it back I had to reapply the training plan to blank months in the future and copy paste the workout I deleted back onto the calendar. It would be a lot easier to be able to click into the plan and see the inventory of workouts by week and drag and drop back onto the calendar.
Nicholas commented
This would be a great feature for athlete accounts. Each year I spend hours on Training Peaks modifying paid training plans to work for me. Usually in the same way each time. It would be great to be able to save these edits as a plan and then just deploy the plan each year.
Jon Livengood commented
right now, I build plans year in the future as a place to hold them, and then copy them back to the present time. This really seems archaic. please give us a place to store plan in the WO library.
Vincent Canu commented
I personally regret buying my subscription as I thought this would be available. At this stage for me it’s no better than the free Garmin Connect.
Loonican commented
Yes this would be very optimal and profitable for me as a paid athlete, as I use the same workouts leading up to my three different length races that I do every year:-) I have thought this through and would like TrainingPeaks to rethink this through also. As mentioned in another similar question the Product Manager of TrainingPeaks stated, I quote "This is a feature available to coached. Currently there are no plans to add this functionality to an athlete account." What I learn from that is that TrainingPeaks has the ability to do so but have chosen to not make it available for athlete accounts. Now I don't know what the actual reasons are, it could be as simple as there are other things on their plate that they are thinking about and trying to provide for their customers? or maybe if it was offered to non-Coached accounts it could possibly be abused some how? Or maybe they want to reserve some better features for those who pay more money per month? Or maybe they think since it has to do with coaching then let this feature be for coaches in Coaching Account only? So I don't know for what reason but there obviously is a reason, if it happens to be the first two I mentioned then to me that is not a good reason. If it happens to be the last two reasons then I want you to rethink your decision based on that decision and bring it into a real world scenario: Let's take one of your most popular training-plan coaches on TrainingPeaks, Matt and Dave with 80/20 endurance, they are coaches and they have their athletes pay for their coaching services, which is all good and right. But lets' say Matt and Dave want to coach themselves do they pay for their own coaching fee? Does a coach at some highschool or college or Jeff Galloway? Certainly not, why? because they are couching themselves. Case in point - Should TrainingPeaks make this already available feature of a coach creating their own training-plans to be used by their athletes they are coaching on their paid TrainingPeaks Couch Account now be available to an athlete who wants to coach himself and make his own training-plans on his own paid TrainingPeaks Athlete Account? My answer 3 votes for Yes! You say, "Why?" Because that is the way it is in the real world and we know that TrainingPeaks is for athletes to help them and encourage them in any way they can to succeed and be the best that they can be. Please remember your roots, all coaches were athletes who were coached or coached themselves before they became coaches. It would sure be nice to have this feature also available to paying athletes who could use your help and encouragement and make things easier for them so they can spend more time doing what they were born to do - like run!