to be able to import and export workout libraries into a tabular Excel format
It would be great to be able to import and export workout libraries into a format that could be uploaded into other types of coaching software (e.g. Commit Swimming, etc.) or used with one's own Excel spreadsheets.

Gregg Ambrosi commented
Export of Workout Library. As a coach, I want to be able to export my workout library. For multuple purposes: I may need to change accounts if I change employers and I want access to the workouts that I have created. or in case I one day need to move away from Training Peaks - ie: new employer uses a different platform.
Dave Morris commented
The ability to import workouts into the builder would be fantastic. The builder as it stands is a bit limited (ramps, repeats, copying multiple steps etc) and being able to import some for of xml file work make life much easier.
Samantha commented
You guys just stopped my deep probe into the search to import CSV files from excel into the workout library...reeeely? No answer yet?
Steve commented
I agree. I've logged my workout data for more than a decade in Excel. I wish TP had an import function, using a CSV file, where the first row would contain the field name corresponding to a field in TP. It'd be easy for us to rearrange the CSV data to match the require fields and field names.