Setting zones
The Zone setting functionality is fine but what I miss is history. Say we have a table that would record each time we reset our Threshold value ,whichever an athlete is using (Power,Heart...),basically a history of Threshold tests,possibly with weight as well. That would be neat.

Thank you for the feedback. This is a common request and has been added to that project’s feedback.
Future opportunities have not been added to our road map yet, but we are actively collecting feedback which contributes to the prioritization process. We do not want to set up false expectations and want to make sure that there is awareness that this update currently is not prioritized and does not have an ETA.
Anonymous commented
Elevate for Strava is able to do this - they have a "Dated Athlete Settings" table that is used to retro-calculate (their version of) TSS - so I'm hoping its do-able. Without this the PMC (a cornerstone of TrainingPeaks) does not reflect reality. This is particularly the case for new users batch uploading multi-years of data (from Garmin for eg). A key aspect of training is to raise an athlete's thresholds so surely having a PMC accurately reflect this evolution in fitness vital?