Addition of Scatter Plot Functionality to Dashboards for Enhanced Data Analysis
Hi Peakers,
I'd like to request the addition of the Scatter Plot function, currently available in individual analyses, to the Dashboards section as well. This function should include variables such as Pace, HR (Heart Rate), Power, Cadence, Step Length, etc., plotted against Distance, Time, Temperature, etc. Importantly, it would be highly beneficial if the analysis could incorporate not just peak values but also averages or median values. This is because training sessions occur more frequently than competitive events where peak performance is observed.
Furthermore, it would be great to have the option to construct a chart showing minimum, maximum, average, and median values. The ability to specify a comparison period would also add value, allowing for performance tracking over time. Lastly, an extrapolation feature would serve as an excellent enhancement, offering predictions based on current data trends.
This addition would significantly improve the utility of the Dashboards for tracking and improving performance over time, offering a more nuanced view of an athlete's data.
Thank you.