Updating a Circuit or Exercise Should Update in All Programs
Right now, if you created your own circuit or exercise, changing the information or adding more exercises to your circuit will not update the programs you have created which seems flawed.
As a coach, you want to be able to keep all your programs up to date with the latest videos, latest coaching instructions, and of course latest content without having to go to the 100+ programs created just to update the the exercise one by one to get the latest information.
If an exercise/circuit is changed/updated, it should simply update dynamically in all the programs including the ones that are prescribed already.
For example, we created a Dynamic Warm Up Circuit, has 8 exercises in there with 8 videos. This Dynamic Warm Up Circuit is applied on all 50+ programs as the staple. But we recently added another exercise and removed one, but it does not apply to all of the 50+ programs. So we have to spend the time to go to each one and update each program manually (re-add it).
If possible, there should be a check box for when creating an exercise or circuit that "All changes will be affected globally to all programs" -- that would be super helpful.

reaperbrands commented
This one is huge. Do this next. Having to go into each workout and remove then reselect the same circuit is a big waste of time
coachjonathanjackson commented
This issue is probably the most frustrating part of programming in Train Heroic. That and not having an undo function. The amount of time I've wasted changing warm ups and other circuits in each day of every week of evert program is insane. Please fix this.
Honestly, it doesn't sound too difficult to do and it would help coaches so much.