14 results found
Make it easier to pick uniform/helmet/accessories. It’s so hard to do it on Apple TV
Make it easier to pick uniform/helmet/accessories. It’s so hard to do it on Apple TV
1 vote -
Making Trainheroic Functional for Tablets
App continually crashes on iPads so it would be nice to get it fixed
36 votes -
connect with whoop
i think you should connect with whoop so when you record an activity on TrainHeroic, WHOOP get a better understanding of what sort of stress you have put on your body. eg: how much weight you lifted, how far and long you ran for, etc. I feel this would give a more in depth view for WHOOP to be able to accurately calculate the strain of an activity
9 votes -
1 vote
7 votes
14 votes
4 votes
3 votes
16 votes
iPad Compatibility
This could be a devices and programming comment. There is no right click feature in iPad unless you have a bluetooth mouse (which most people don't) so the copy and paste feature doesnt work too well. I can copy exiting workouts fine but because there is only the "add from library" and "create session" options from the calendar I cant simply paste on any day I would lie.
I try to do programming on my iPad and I can create workouts fine but sometimes the browser windows are not the right size and I cannot save certain features, for example…
12 votes -
9 votes
apple watch app
It’d be great to have a companion app for the Apple Watch that allows logging of exercises.
40 votes -
10 votes
Integration with apple watch to track Set/reps/weights
Basically that i can start the workout on the mobile and then keep track of my sets/reps/weights and pause timer on the watchOs app. The feature is rather 'simple' :
start training from the phone->
monitor current section . in normal exercise go set by set . Button starts set. after the set (button push) -> enter reps (show from plan if any) / enter weitghts (show from plan if any) -> after button push a pause timer is starting to check your rest (rest time not recorded-> maybe next feature)for super set the mechanic is the same, just…
45 votes
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