15 results found
Integration with apple watch to track Set/reps/weights
Basically that i can start the workout on the mobile and then keep track of my sets/reps/weights and pause timer on the watchOs app. The feature is rather 'simple' :
start training from the phone->
monitor current section . in normal exercise go set by set . Button starts set. after the set (button push) -> enter reps (show from plan if any) / enter weitghts (show from plan if any) -> after button push a pause timer is starting to check your rest (rest time not recorded-> maybe next feature)for super set the mechanic is the same, just…
46 votes -
apple watch app
It’d be great to have a companion app for the Apple Watch that allows logging of exercises.
40 votes -
Making Trainheroic Functional for Tablets
App continually crashes on iPads so it would be nice to get it fixed
37 votes -
16 votes
14 votes
iPad Compatibility
This could be a devices and programming comment. There is no right click feature in iPad unless you have a bluetooth mouse (which most people don't) so the copy and paste feature doesnt work too well. I can copy exiting workouts fine but because there is only the "add from library" and "create session" options from the calendar I cant simply paste on any day I would lie.
I try to do programming on my iPad and I can create workouts fine but sometimes the browser windows are not the right size and I cannot save certain features, for example…
12 votes -
11 votes
connect with whoop
i think you should connect with whoop so when you record an activity on TrainHeroic, WHOOP get a better understanding of what sort of stress you have put on your body. eg: how much weight you lifted, how far and long you ran for, etc. I feel this would give a more in depth view for WHOOP to be able to accurately calculate the strain of an activity
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9 votes
7 votes
4 votes
3 votes
Make it easier to pick uniform/helmet/accessories. It’s so hard to do it on Apple TV
Make it easier to pick uniform/helmet/accessories. It’s so hard to do it on Apple TV
2 votes -
"FORM goggles"
Would like for TP to not disregard the HR data recorded by FORM goggles in rest periods. HR often peaks during them, and disregarding them makes it impossible to track the TSS of workouts recorded using FORM goggles.
Currently TP only shows the heart rate recorded by FORM goggles during swim sets, disregarding it during rest periods. I see the HR data is there when i upload it into the Garmin website, so it must be actively removed by TP.
Removing it makes it impossible to track the TSS of workouts recorded using HR tracking FORM goggles, as HR often…
1 vote -
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?