Upload Data directly to Garmin and allow it to be counted for on device metrics (
Being able to upload data directly to Garmin and have metrics (training load, vo2 etc) calculated as per the other online platforms (TrainerRoad, Zwift etc)

Teddy commented
If it's true that this is just in limbo until Garmin does something about it, labeling this "PLANNED" feels a bit misleading. I personally wouldn't consider switching from Zwift unless this was implemented.
Adam K commented
Agreed. Thinks it’s great that you can upload Garmin workout results to TP but it’s frustrating you can’t do it the other way around like you can w Zwift. Been using the Garmin UI for a long time now. Would love for my virtual rides to feed Garmin too so when I run or swim w my watch the history is consistent in the Garmin app too. Mostly using TP for the bike workouts.
Craig Nichols commented
I havent looked at total time vs ride. I usually jump right on. Another way of saying what I meant is like the fit file exports with no time zone so justhas the australia time stamp. doesnt see it in relation to utc or utc +10. Does the same exporting strava as well so its how it records. Integrated apps can fix it. the manully export/import cannot. It's annoying enough to pay for zwift again when TPV is no longer free. It could just be garmin side not processing data correctly that may be ther. IDK havent dove into the fit file.
Jared commented
I have noted this as well. Often, rides are double counted due to time differences. Seems to be a "ride time" vs. "total time" issue? Total time including any time before actually pedaling, any "breaks," and pausing at the end?
Craig Nichols commented
Fix time on virtual rides. The auto upload to trainingpeaks and strava adjust to account for time zone. But when manually exporting the file to garmin connect it sees a time zone from Australia. Requires manually correcting in garmin connect. This of course is after training peaks views it as a new garmin activity and sync's another copy there as well requiring deletion. All time zone settings are set correct as far as I can tell on all platform. It's like the raw file from trainingpeaks virtual is locked to GMT +10 and only apps with direct integration can account for it.
Sven commented
@Jamie Bishop. TrainingPeaks already has a connection agreement with Garmin, but that sends workouts to Garmin and pulls activities from Garmin. Surely there is a way to leverage this existing connection to allow activities to be sent to Garmin?
JimmyMaltez commented
For that to happen, Garmin would need to give TPV access to the API, a now subset of their direct competitor in the analysis and workout department, TrainingPeaks. In other words, it’s not dependent on TP/TPV.
Christian commented
Stop the Apple TV stuff and push workout data to Garmin Connect.
Kevin Broadstreet commented
Adjust/Edit the default File ID information in the .fit file to a Garmin Edge 1040 (currently reads as manufacturer: "development" and product: "0"). This will make uploading to Garmin simpler as it wouldn't require users to modify the original .fit file before uploading to Garmin in order to have the workout calculated for the Training Effect. MyWhoosh .fit files natively include the device information as coming from a Garmin Edge 1030, which means the users can download from Strava or MyWhoosh and immediately upload to Garmin manually. TPV files must be downloaded, the .fit file modified through a third party means, and then uploaded to Garmin. Setting the default output of the .fit file to incorporate a Garmin device would eliminate one of those steps.
Jonathan Getz commented
Garmin have their own version of this suggestions forum so let's all fill it in. If we all suggested to Garmin directly that they should allow training peaks virtual to automatically upload workouts it may encourage then to do something about it.
here is the link;
Andreas Brand commented
Betreff: Verbesserungsvorschlag für TrainingPeaks Virtual: Integration mit Garmin-Sync
Sehr geehrtes TrainingPeaks-Team,
ich möchte zunächst betonen, wie begeistert ich von TrainingPeaks Virtual bin. Die Plattform ist ein wertvolles Tool, um mein Training strukturiert und effizient zu gestalten.
Mir ist jedoch aufgefallen, dass eine wichtige Funktion derzeit fehlt: die vollständige Synchronisation mit Garmin-Geräten (wie Garmin-Uhren oder dem Edge). Es wäre äußerst hilfreich, wenn nicht nur geplante Workouts von TrainingPeaks auf die Garmin-Geräte übertragen werden, sondern auch die Rücksynchronisation von Daten wie Trainingsbelastung, verbrannten Kalorien, Erholungszeiten und anderen relevanten Metriken automatisch auf TrainingPeaks Virtual erfolgen könnte.
Eine solche Funktion würde es ermöglichen, dass alle relevanten Daten auf beiden Plattformen berücksichtigt werden. Gerade für Athleten, die stark auf die Analyse und Planung ihrer Trainingseinheiten angewiesen sind, wäre dies ein enormer Mehrwert.
Zusätzlich könnte diese Integration dazu beitragen, die Nutzung der Plattform für Garmin-Nutzer noch attraktiver zu machen und ein nahtloses Ökosystem zwischen TrainingPeaks Virtual und Garmin zu schaffen.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie diesen Vorschlag in Betracht ziehen und bin gespannt, ob eine solche Funktion in naher Zukunft realisierbar wäre.
Vielen Dank für Ihre großartige Arbeit und dafür, dass Sie kontinuierlich daran arbeiten, die Trainingserfahrung für Ihre Nutzer zu verbessern.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jamie Bishop commented
Do a search this is currently the most requested item on here and on facebook, the issue is it's Garmin not accepting 3rd party connections rather then TPV not offering it.
Lip lombard commented
Would make me decide to continue with service or not
Lip lombard commented
Would be great to integrate with Garmin Connect as this the integrates with lost of other providers/apps like our medical aid and for this we get ratings, discounts and better medical service offerings etc
Craig W commented
i am dual recording to garmin, but would like the feature to only have to record once (via TPV) and it would update garmin with the activity as I have all my history and primary source coming from garmin
Maksymilian Kapica commented
I see the lack of synchronization as an advantage of TPVirtual. Unfortunately, Garmin doesn’t update health stats or training status for data from external sources.
This allows me to use Garmin as a parallel device during training to collect data without needing to delete external data later for the stats to update. The fact that Garmin Connect won’t show the event name or a map doesn’t matter—cycling indoors is always just cycling in place, regardless of the view in front of me.
Willi commented
Die Aktivierung der automatischen Synchronisierung für Garmin Connect ist sehr wichtig. Viele Nutzer haben Garmin. Ich hoffe dies geschieht bald.
Willi commented
Vielen Dank! Aber wie lassen sich die Daten automatisch hochladen um von Garmin berechnet zu werden?
Willi commented
Ist es in nächster Zeit angedacht sich mit Garmin Connect zu verbinden?
Jennifer Brennan commented
Automatically share TrainingPeaks Virtual with Garmin