WKO iLevels
Please accommodate WKO iLevels when setting power zones, thank you. Or simply bring over the zones from TP which one can implement iLevels zones in.

Many thanks for your suggestion and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
I'm delighted to say that fully automatic synchronisation of power zone levels between TrainingPeaks and TrainingPeaks Virtual is now implemented. This means that you can now set your power zones however you wish (including using WKO iLevels) in TrainingPeaks, and these will then automatically mirror over into TrainingPeaks Virtual for you to use when riding.
Priita commented
They plan to sync power zones, but the problem is that currently TrainingPeaks dosen’t have WKO iLevels, only traditional power levels.
James Eastwood commented
See 'planned' suggestions - TP zones sync is planned.
Priita commented
Yes, definitely would like to see WKO iLevels implemented!