BUG with VPN and TP Virtual?
I use a NordVPN on my Windows 10 laptop.
If I try to spectate or ride a course and the VPN is active then the course generation hangs.
If I pause the VPN I can spectate the course as expected. If while on the course I restart the VPN then all the riders disappear.
NordVPN has the option of split tunnelling i.e. it is possible to exclude specific programs from being filtered by the VPN.
I have tried excluding TPVirtual-Launcher.exe with no success.
It is more than possible that it could be a set up issue on my part.
I can run TP Virtual by turning off my VPN, but that seems an odd requirement.
I have included the log produced by "If I pause the VPN I can spectate the course as expected. If while on the course I restart the VPN then all the riders disappear."
Best regards,