Apple tv remote
Activate the clicking on the remote. At the moment only the swiping is working correctly but it would help if the clicking with the remote works as expected to move to the next button or screen
Anonymous commented
I am using Zwift on Apple TV with my Samsung TV remote, the only one I use. I am waiting for this functionality to try TP Virtual.
Patrick Vangsgaard commented
Please enable the click buttons, since there isn't really any alternatives to the apple TV remote. The trackpad works frustratingly bad and you have to disable it every time you use all other apps on the apple TV...
Johnny commented
When exiting a ride if the default selection went to “end ride” it would be better. Apple Remote selections are such a pain.
Fabien Schwarz commented
Change app to be compatible with popular 3rd party remotes on the apple tv 4k such as this one:
Marc commented
Please add this. It is really needed that the remote functions properly and thereby also the clicking
joseph secoges commented
I use Apple TV to run TPV. It’s is very painful to navigate the menus. There is a massive delay in moving through the menus, sometimes it’s Not responsive at all. Are there improvements planned for the Apple TV version of the app? It’s not usable at this point for me. Love the content though
Chris Redmann commented
AppleTV support for Siri (silver) remote. When an AppleTV that originally came with the touchpad remote is paired with the new silver remote, the buttons and controls no longer work. Upon trying to reinstall, the App Store indicates the app is only compatible with the black touchpad remote.
Peter Elliott commented
The update is still incredibly slow and difficult with the track pad. Allow the Apple remote to be use in "click only" mode and remove the horrible track pad feature designed by Apple.
Tim Waters commented
Improve the navigation on Apple TV. Get it close to the same level as Zwift on Apple TV.
Roberto Quinones commented
I tried to do a workout today using my Apple TV HD, and I couldn't even finish login in because the system was super slow. Is there a workaround or something different I need to do? I had to move my setup elsewhere and do my workout off my iPad. Please help.
Tony K commented
Tut mir leid, das mit deinem Apple TV zu hören. Ich kann nur sagen, dass es für mich wirklich gut funktioniert. Das Einzige, was ziemlich nervig ist, ist das Tippen ohne eine Art “Companion App”
Peter Bruijns commented
Ich habe Apple TV, die Verbindung läuft äußerst schwierig, würde am liebste das Handtuch werfen.
Anonymous commented
Completely agree; it takes me 3-4 attempts each time just to log in. The up/down/left/right buttons on my Apple Remote seem to work sometimes and not others. Makes it hard to navigate. The iPhone remote app doesn’t help.
Also, the back “<“ button seems to exit the program rather than go back a menu or step.
Great to see the Apple TV app….but please sort out the remote, as it’s currently very hard to use!
PS my remote works just fine with book, Zwift, etc -
Tom commented
The remote doesn't work well when using the pad to slide up and down or left and right. I'm having the same issue with the Apple TV remote and with my phone using it as the remote. I have tried different sensitivity settings but that doesn't seem to make a difference. It is fine with other apps. For me it makes Apple TV option almost unworkable
Mark commented
Really enjoyed using the workout, when I finally got in. Using Apple TV remote is useless, unfortunately. Literally 20 minutes to get to be able to ride is pointless, then 5 minutes trying to save ride!
Jens Panum Have commented
Unfortunately the ATV remote cannot be used, and using the remote on an iPhone or iPad is also not usable. When installing the APP on ATV a note state that a remote Gen 1 is needed! This makes the ATV APP unusable.
WolfHills Cycling commented
it is useless for me right now! Please add this. :)