FITFILES: Apple TV users cannot access .fit ride when there is TPV servers/sync outage
When there is some glich on the servers - and ride is not saved to TP nor Strava.
and user uses AppleTV, there is no file locally saved.
When installed TPV on Windows - aftewards - the directory:
is empty.
As it probably does not download past rides to the Windows client.
So effectively - the ride still visible in the app - user is unable to get it.
Ideally if it is possible to do anything on the activities directly from the app - like Download button at least. Then user can solve the sync issue themselves.
Matthew Wigens commented
I agree, however the issue I've seen has my ride shown in TP, but not in Strava.
Matthew Wigens commented
Activity from 28/01/2025 is showing in TP, but not strava, this is the first file to fail, I can't see how to get it in the manual way that is shown on my phone because I recorded this using AppleTV and there isn't a files app. How do I get access to the FIT file for manual upload if activity was on appleTV.
Ingo commented
It was available on iPad but the TPV Folder is gone since last update. It is available on the iPhone already!
Johnny commented
Make .FIT files usable and retrievable on Apple TV and iPhone. I don’t think either of these platforms is very successfully storing the complete activity data or making it retrievable/downloadable.
Craig Sim commented
Make the option to save and upload a ride on Apple TV really clear and simple. I completed my ride and thought I’d chose the right options, got the stats from my ride then it disappeared
HuwThomas commented
This happened to me today - 80 mins workout hasn't synced with TP nor Strava?
Whats gone wrong?
HuwThomas commented
If Fit files are still on sever can we access them to d/l please from mac or windows pc running TPV?
Mateusz Nowakowski commented
Note that for performance reasons, currently FIT files are not stored locally on Android / iOS devices with less than 3GB memory, or on AppleTV – they are however still created and stored on the server and will be automatically uploaded from there to any 3rd party sites (Strava, TrainingPeaks etc) that you configure a connection to. You can then download the FIT files manually from the 3rd party site.
that's not true...
when there is a crash, there is no self healing, retry ?it would be nice if sync feature be really HighAvailable feature, retried etc. self cure etc..
That's the reason why I still use Garmin... they have crashes... but I've never lost .fit file.. this is the most important feature.