FITFILES: Stop Virtual from auto-saving to TP account.
After a ride Virtual asks me if I want to discard the ride (I assume to stop it syncing to my TP account) but it ignores me and auto-saves to TP anyway. Then when a sync my watch to Garmin Connect (which is linked to TP) I have two workouts in my account for the one ride. It's easy enough to delete one but my TP account is also linked to WKO as well. The discard my ride button is ignoring me.

Joe commented
At the end of a ride, when I click "Discard" (because I've recorded it on a Garmin), it actually saves the workout (see "Saving..." at the end) and loads it to TrainingPeaks. See the video attached.
v0.4.14 on iPad
woody commented
Hi, why is there an upload to TrainingPeaks although i am pressing "discard" at the end of my training?
I am recording all of my trainings with my Garmin Watches/Devices - i dont need double uploading.How can i turn off uploading my file to TrainingPeaks?
Discard doesnt work.Have a nice day and thank you.
Ronan Kieran commented
If I do a short activity eg less than 5 mins on TPV and stop and discard as i do not want to record. It still send a FIT file to TP. Can this be addressed please as it may upload to a custom workout, thanks
Philip commented
same issue, and its annoying, since i sometimes want to totally discard a workout and it still uploads to TP. I then have to unpair the uploaded workout from the planned workout and pair the workout I do want to upload to TP with the planned workout mannually. Not a dealbreaker but very annoying and easy to fix I assume. Thanks!
Aurélien Chouard commented
Similar issue for me. I get duplicate entries in TP: one coming directly from TPV, and the other coming from TPV -> Strava -> Garmin Connect -> TP.
I would like to have the option to disable auto-saving to TP, and save to Strava only. This would fix the issue, but it's not currently possible
Tony Goodnight commented
Still saving to account after clicking discard Dec 16 using Dec 10 app update
Gregg Payne commented
Had same issue today