Add 3 second power average as an option to the HUD
I would like the option to view my 3 second power average in the HUD. I see that "average power" is an option, but I'm not certain this is what I'm looking for?
I tried looking at the TP help center, Reddit, and a Google search to see if this was already an option before I posted here. My apologies if this is already a feature, or is in the works.
Many thanks for your suggestion and support for TrainingPeaks Virtual.
As has been noted in the comments, this is already fully supported by TrainingPeaks Virtual - in fact you can choose to display a range of different smoothing types, from 1 second to 10 seconds.
Simply select the option you want from the Main Menu > Options > UI Settings menu
James Eastwood commented
This is already available. Settings > UI > Power Smoothing