I tried to use the New Strength Builder adding a workout to my calendar. The first impression was very good: regarding the construction of the training on my PC it was very simple and complete, but... there is a big problem: I thought that, during the training, I could modify the workout itself, using the trainingpeaks app downloaded on the iPhone, adapting it to the state of shape of the moment, which is a very useful option, not to mention indispensable, but I couldn't: the only possible interaction with the planned workout, using the iphone app, seems to be the set flags, with no possibility of add or cut sets or reps. I therefore had to give up and went back to using my usual weight app (Strong). I see that actually there is a "modify" option on the smartphone app, but it is not active. Do you plan to activate it? It would also be very useful to add the possibility of entering an RPE value at the end of the sets (as in the Strong app or other similar ones).
I tried to use the New Strength Builder adding a workout to my calendar. The first impression was very good: regarding the construction of the training on my PC it was very simple and complete, but... there is a big problem: I thought that, during the training, I could modify the workout itself, using the trainingpeaks app downloaded on the iPhone, adapting it to the state of shape of the moment, which is a very useful option, not to mention indispensable, but I couldn't: the only possible interaction with the planned workout, using the iphone app, seems to be the set flags, with no possibility of add or cut sets or reps. I therefore had to give up and went back to using my usual weight app (Strong). I see that actually there is a "modify" option on the smartphone app, but it is not active. Do you plan to activate it? It would also be very useful to add the possibility of entering an RPE value at the end of the sets (as in the Strong app or other similar ones).