ATP on Training Peaks Mobile APP
The ATP function only seems currently available on the desktop platform. Would be more accessible on the mobile app platform.

Ken Ryder commented
This needs to be added to the mobile app. It can be an added tab, or a swipe right from the left screen, or places somewhere where it is easily accessed.
Jess Stone MTB commented
I can’t believe it’s taking so long to make this happen ! It’s essential in my opinion having the ATP or at least some of its features (what TSS I’m aiming for in the week) available on the app.
Brendhan commented
Just bringing the weekly planned ATP TSS/Duration through would be very helpful. Maybe on the 'Weekly Snapshot' on the home screen along with 'Completed' and 'Planned'? There's a nice wee space next to those that would be ideal!
Jules commented
If developing the full functionality available in the web app is too difficult/will take a long time, then even simple ATP features would add value in the mobile app. e.g. view a chart of planned v. completed weekly duration (not planned v. completed activities which is shown already).
Mike Stevens commented
ATP is like 1/4 of the desktop app, correct? So yeah - Very disappointed this is not only not available in the Mobile app but that TP forces mobile users to open their account in the app instead of the web app, thereby completely eliminating a viable work-around while they complete their 2+ year project to fix this.
Johan Wagner commented
2022 and still so. So one of the big benefits with premium is not supported where the service is most used.
Rahul Basu commented
Yes ATP on android app will be useful feature