Session duration and workout duration
I currently subscribe to my Training Peaks calendar through my Apple calendar and share this subscription with my wife so she can see when I am training. In Training Peaks I would typically set a swim workout start time of 06:30 with duration of 30mins. This 30mins is typically the time I plan to be actually swimming (excluding rests) which is absolutely the information I want to record against my ATP. However in reality I will be in the pool for 50-60 mins, and if I also factor in travel time to and from the pool, getting changed etc. the actual time I would like to block out in my Apple calendar could be 90mins. My idea is to have additional field in Training Peaks called something like 'Session duration' so Training Peaks still recognises it as 30mins of workout, but it is reflected as a 90min instead of 30min session in my Apple calendar.