Ability to Choose Week Start Day
Hello, in the arabian world we start our week in Saturday however, in training peaks app/site we don't have that option only sunday&monday, however, in garmin connect we can start our week with Saturday and this is the number one reason for us as arabian coaches / atheletes why we dont use training peaks.
An engineering spike/estimate has been done on this update. There are dependencies that make the effort larger, but we do plan to prioritize this in the future. We have been working through the top requests here in Uservoice and this is absolutely one of the top ones.
James Heinritz commented
allow the calendar week to begin on Sunday
Gustavo Nix commented
I agree with all the commenters since 2015. I enjoy Training Peaks, but the Calendar is the fly in the ointment. First, I don't understand why you defaulted to Monday as the first day of the week. In Western culture, Sunday is the first day of the week, and has been for > 2000 years. Second, how many requests do youi need before you change or at least make it an option? How hard can it be?
Avi Levy commented
I have 47 vote left and I want to put all of them on this feture please.
James Smith commented
I completely agree with this person. It's been years since this comment and this type of customization should be easily managed by your developers...
Matt Rupp commented
This feature could be implemented in one coding sprint. No one is asking for a data structure change. Just add the ability to change the layout in the UI for all of our sanity.
Brian Yannutz commented
Yes! This would be amazing! Most people use other calendars that start with Sunday as the first day of the week, and if this could be an option in Training Peaks, that would be super!
Paul LeBlanc commented
Every similar program allows the user to select the day of the week. You address metric/imperial; why not change this? The code is minimal, and clearly, people want it, especially people who pay for the upgrade. It does not seamlessly integrated with coaching plans
preston jolly commented
David Butler commented
Please make this happen, we should be able to start our week on any day of the week we choose
David Butler commented
Please make this happen, we should be able to start the week on any day we choose
Nikita Kaverin commented
Is this still not a priority ? after 8 years ????????????????
Erica Wax commented
My reasons are: (1) I don't work Monday - Friday so my biggest training days are not on Saturday and Sunday. (2) My coaching team does not use fixed rest days. (3) It's inconvenient and confusing to me to have this calendar laid out differently from every other calendar.
Erik Hallenbeck commented
I've spent hours looking for the setting to change the week start day and found my way here. Absolutely zero reason to ignore this issue. +1.
DanielT commented
TrainingPeaks Team,
It's time for ACTION. We've been asking for a fundamental feature for a decade now - the ability to customize the calendar start of the day. It's a basic necessity, not a luxury.
Our training schedules don't revolve around the typical '9-5' day. They're dictated by our individual lifestyles, work shifts, family commitments. A calendar that starts at Monday doesn't reflect the reality of our training cycles.
We're in an era of live tracking and instantaneous feedback across many platforms. It's about time TrainingPeaks catches up.
We're pushing our limits, breaking boundaries in our training every single day. We demand the same level of commitment from TrainingPeaks. It's time to step up and deliver on this long-standing request. This isn't just a feature addition; it's about respecting the needs of your user base.
We've waited 10 years. Don't make us wait another day.
DanielT commented
I'm shocked and frustrated to see such an essential request being blatantly ignored for over a decade. It's as if our voices and needs as loyal users mean nothing. A simple calendar tweak, something that is a basic feature in countless other applications, seems to be beyond reach here. It's not just about convenience, but about respecting your user base, acknowledging our diverse needs and schedules. With every new feature you roll out while ignoring this longstanding plea, you're demonstrating a profound lack of understanding about what customer service truly means. Enough is enough - it's high time this gets addressed.
DanielT commented
This ongoing issue has morphed into an appalling testament to your indifference towards your user base. A decade of silence in the face of repeated requests for a simple calendar customization - a fundamental tool for any training platform - is unfathomable. You're not only ignoring our needs but actively undermining our training routines, and by doing so, you're testing our patience and loyalty. Are we not worth the time it would take to implement this change? We're not asking for the moon, just a modicum of flexibility. Stop ignoring us and address this long-overdue request.
Anas Balushi commented
I really don't understand why this issue isn't on the current road map. Unless the programming part is complicated, which I doubt, there is no reason not to consider it.
My week starts on Sunday, others that I know start on Saturday. It's really confusing to track each week block.
I end up using the calculator to track my weekly runs, it really sucks for someone with ADHD! I'd pay for this simple feature.
Please consider this, as it's really important to a large population.
Saad AL-Mutairi commented
Last year i made suggestion to start the week with Saturday and other ppl suggested to start the week with Sunday and both suggestions were approved and still no option to start the week with other than Monday..
Saad AL-Mutairi commented
Yes please
In middle east we start the week with Saturday -
Lior Waitzman commented
Please Add an option to choose other Day as start of the week . its 2023 now