Ability to Choose Week Start Day
Hello, in the arabian world we start our week in Saturday however, in training peaks app/site we don't have that option only sunday&monday, however, in garmin connect we can start our week with Saturday and this is the number one reason for us as arabian coaches / atheletes why we dont use training peaks.
An engineering spike/estimate has been done on this update. There are dependencies that make the effort larger, but we do plan to prioritize this in the future. We have been working through the top requests here in Uservoice and this is absolutely one of the top ones.
Faisaal S commented
Add my vote to the list of ppl who want a selectable start of week.
Anonymous commented
it would be super **** great.
Anonymous commented
That will be a good option to change Calendar setting to start on Sunday or Monday. Thanks.
Rob commented
I want to start my week on Fridays, why can't we choose ?
Anonymous commented
I just found training peaks and I love it so far but the start day for the week is super frustrating. I like so many start our weeks on Sunday. Given that nearly every other calendar out there starts on Sunday that is the logical day to use if you can't make it user selectable (which would be the ideal situation!)
Anonymous commented
Not sure how this has not been addressed. The ability to choose which day of the week to start your week on should be super easy.
I agree that it is super confusing to have it start on Monday when I start my week every Sunday.
Also, I (and likely almost everyone below) am PAYING for this service. You can't help paying customers with a simple change?
It's become almost that I use this because it's the only option. If I had another option, I'd go elsewhere.
Gar commented
I work shifts so I don’t have a work week. This means that getting my calendars aligned is important. Having TP calendar be different from every mother calendar in my life is a recurrent source of confusion.
Anonymous commented
Or make it user selectable for the first day of the week. It's confusing trying to compare and synch calendars when the start day doesn't align.And most people can't import the calendar into their work calendar, so it gets a little confusing when you try to adjust your workouts around your work schedule
MAR commented
This app is an intwrnational app.. needs to fit different users need across the world
Weekends change from a part to another... start of training week is different from a person to another
Changing juat on which day tge week start is a very simple change in any app ... wondering why was not done till now -
Anonymous commented
Hi guys, following the comments a need to change the start of the week to Sunday.
Anonymous commented
It looks like it's been 3 years since this issue has been brought to your attention and still nothing? Come on TrainingPeaks, you got this!!!
Jay commented
It is frustrating that this has not been implemented yet. Even when Garmin Connects functionality was limited, the option to start the week on a Sunday was something they prioritized. It is relatively straight forward to implement.
Anonymous commented
Pages and pages of unhappy clients and it is still not on your road map? How many people, like me, don't sign up for primium because they can't sync to their real life calendars. At least consider starting the week off on Sunday and working on trying to offer a Monday start. Just a suggestion.
Anonymous commented
Agree, this would be so helpful!
Sarah commented
I agree, it is very frustrating (and odd) that the first day of the week cannot be chosen (or at the very least, defaulted to Sunday, rather than Monday). It's one of the factors keeping me from upgrading to premium. Please consider this another vote in favor of making this change.
Willard commented
I find it really frustrating that the calendar can't be configured to start the week with the day I prefer - especially when there are so many other nifty configurations that can be adjusted. PLEASE - it can't be that difficult, can it?
Anonymous commented
Please do this. As others have mentioned, it would be INCREDIBLY useful to have our TP calendar coincide with other calendars. Not only in the middle east, but in the U.S. too. Have you ever looked at your normal wall calendar? Those start on Sunday too.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please. It should be a simple matter to do. Let us start the calendar on Sunday! It's a standard feature in almost every other calendar and training app.
Anonymous commented
Please let us switch to a Sunday start.
Rebeca Diaz Rodriguez commented
This is a must! I so dislike that the week starts on Monday. Ugh