Ability to Choose Week Start Day
Hello, in the arabian world we start our week in Saturday however, in training peaks app/site we don't have that option only sunday&monday, however, in garmin connect we can start our week with Saturday and this is the number one reason for us as arabian coaches / atheletes why we dont use training peaks.
An engineering spike/estimate has been done on this update. There are dependencies that make the effort larger, but we do plan to prioritize this in the future. We have been working through the top requests here in Uservoice and this is absolutely one of the top ones.
Anonymous commented
agree. please allow Sunday too be first day of week!
LexG commented
I'm onboard with this. All calendars - look at a regular wall calendar, MAC calendar, Garmin, other apps, etc... and they all start Sunday! And I'm in the good ol' U.S.A
sean commented
I'm starting this thread again because it hasn't really gotten anywhere since the last request some 2 years ago.
Personally, I know a lot of people here in the Middle East and other regions that would like the simple option of selecting Sunday as the first day of their training week. This would help people align other working calendars with TP and also make the training week much easier to visualize. Currently, the start of our training week is displayed as Monday when we actually kick off the week on Sunday, and use Fri/Sat as our long training days.
My simple brain sees this as a simple problem to fix, and I feel that after being a premium user should allow me the ability to choose my week start date.
Most other calendars have this as a simple drop down option, but for some reason TP won't allow it.
Can we please get it fixed?
Thanks for an otherwise great product!
sean commented
Hi Guys,
Will this be a change that is coming up soon? It was requested such a long time ago and surely it can't be that hard to do?
You can easily make the start of the week a Sunday on other calendars..Would mean a lot to those of us that live in the Middle East and start work on Sunday.
Cindy Rathbun commented
When will this be on the roadmap. I can not see a current response from TP.
Griffith Randel commented
Permitting a user-selectable start day for the training week would be a useful feature. It is unfortunate that the calendar feature was designed without this flexibility. As has been pointed out many times in this thread, having the TP calendar aligned differently from every other calendar that one uses introduces unnecessary complications to already busy lives. If you had to hard-code a particular calendar arrangement into your software, it would have been better to have used the standard Sun.-Sat. arrangement. It is disappointing to see a feature request that should be relatively easy to implement be neglected for years. Thank you for listening to user feedback.
Ibenbass commented
I cannot vote for some reason, but would like to reinforce this idea for the benefits of all the athletes who's week actually start on Sunday.
Thank you.
Jonathan Harris commented
I'd love it if I could change the days the week start on training peaks. Firstly, I live in the Middle East so my actual week does not start on Monday anyway. More importantly, I do my big rides and runs on a weekend. If I could set my training peaks to start at the weekend I could then more easily calculate what to do on the following days to accumulate the remaining TSS.
Mark commented
I would agree with some of the other comments on here as I too live in the Middle East. Our weeks are not in alignment with that in the west.
It really doesn't matter a huge amount, but is more about keeping things nice and tidy, or in alignment with other calendars I use in day-to-day life. -
Mike commented
I would love to see an option to change the week start too. My long weekend workout often falls on a Monday during three day weekends and this messes with my weekly numbers.
Tony commented
PLEASE DO IT so it matches my garmin account and coaching method
Anonymous commented
Count me as another vote for allowing user to select week start date. I too would prefer Sunday-Saturday (given that it seems to be the default elsewhere, why not make it at least an option, if not the default here?). Frustrating that free programs I've used have given that flexibility and yet a premium account on TP does not. More concerning is that this request has gotten such little response from TP given that it's obviously something users want.
Anonymous commented
Hi - I would really like to see this option, my wek starts on Sunday , and updating this ability is significant to my weekly km count. thanks!
Mikala commented
Necessary to change to Sunday and other days. Please add to roadmap.
Peter commented
This is irritating. Please update the app to allow weeks to start on Sundays.
Pete commented
This needs to be a Sunday through Saturday layout.
Lake Arapakis commented
You can make the shift of the whole program via the little horizontal bars on any of the days. I have copied the following from another blog post by Gale Berhardt. You can see that post at: http://galebernhardt.com/blogs/news/16950684-how-can-i-easily-move-your-70-3-triathlon-training-plan-forward-one-day.
"Assuming you do want to make the move, TrainingPeaks premier has a great feature that allows a good deal of flexibility. Notice that there are tiny lines on the upper right side each day in the calendar view. If you select those lines, a pop-up box appears and one option is "shift." Select this option.
The shift option allows you to move:
- items on selected days
- items within a specified date range
- items on and after a specified start dateIt asks how you want to shift the items:
- move to a new start date
- move by a specified number of days
- move by a specified number of weeksI think this will get you what you need.
Doug Pape commented
+1 for Set calendar to start week with Sunday
mark Szymanski commented
Let's allow users to start their week on Sunday!
Jeanette commented
Go to the TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback and VOTE for the option called "Allow users to change calendar start day". The more votes this gets, the more likely it will happen!!