Planning Mode Toggle to display Daily TSS, Daily Form in the Calendar view - for dynamically planning a week in one screen
When planning a week and balancing within daily and weekly TSS and form targets, it would be really useful to have a toggle whereby the DAILY TSS & TSB were displayed above or in each day within the calendar view.
This would help me plan my weekly distribution within the weekly ATP TSS, whilst monitoring the TSB to ensure I don't overshoot on particular days. This is also important for scenario planning - what if I shift this workout forward or backwards to compensate for availability - what is the impact on the shape of the week?
At the moment, I have to run a separate tab with the dashboard and scrutinise the overall daily TSS and TSB by hovering my mouse over a small graph - not optimal!
An alternative would be to have a floating graph (think Excel Sparkline) of these two somewhere - giving a small quick visual version that can be referenced in the Weekly summary and again updates every time I add, move or remove a planned workout.
The toggle would be useful to avoid making the calendar look too messy for normal viewing - effectively a planning mode. Even better, this toggle could allow filtering by sport.
Note that this is a repeat request from as the old request was marked implemented by weekly ATP TSS, but did not address the actual request for a daily metric# see #Predicted CTL, ATL, TSB on calendar