Muscular Fatique
As endurance beginner I often experience a gap between the prediction of form and my true capability of working out.
I sometimes wasn‘t able to do group rides I wanted because activities added up different from prediction of Form.
I figured out that there are muscular stress factors which overweight the overall stress score - like sore muscles after a little too hard strengh training. Or when you did even a single interval which was way beyond the sweet spot.
So I would love to see a number muscular Stress which is measured separately. The IF woukd play a bigger role and tracked strengh trainings should be asked for intensity abd which part of body was trained.
In a perfect TrainingsPeak world e.g. The software tells me theres a muscular fatique of legs but upper body should befine which makes me going out for a swim. And counterwise.
I know - experienced trainers & athletes do know how much leg intensity & days they cann add before switching. But for those who don‘t it would be great.
Or if you are just responding differrnt to strengh training because you are an athlete who is hitted harder by it the curve of muscular form would show.