Please optimise your plateform.
I have been using your plateforme for many years now. It still has the same bugs.
Sometimes calendars won't load you have to refresh many times. Some times workout won't load when you open them and you have to wait almost a minute.
When you have many athletes this gets exhausting to fight.
I have a top tier internet connection, so this is 100% on your side. The only reason I keep using your plateforme is because all my athletes have their past workout upload here.
Please optimise.
Tristan PAWLAK commented
For years I have found your plateforme very laggy. But this is getting out of hand atm !
You web app is atm using AT LESAT 1.5Go of RAM on chrome to run.
This is laggy af. The workout doesn't load 1 time out of 4, or takes 5 to 20sec to load. I constantly need to refresh. To load an athlete schedule it can take up to 20 sec. I get logged out for no reason.20sec doesn't look much but add it over and over and you make me waste a ton of time and energy as a coach.
Having my athletes history on TP is what makes me stay here. But I consider progressively migrating to another plateform as it is getting a pain in the a** to train athletes here.