Payment for sold plans to bank account option
I can only pay for my coaching account via a debit/credit card and not via Paypal. Any plans I sell, TP only pay to Paypal and not back to my credit card or direct to a bank account (preferable option).
I have to move money from a paypal account to a bank account and incur transactions fees from Paypal for doing this. As from the 1 January 2024, Paypal have advised that they will be charging VAT applicable to my country and I will only be able to claim back the VAT at the end of a financial year when I submit my tax returns, adding further inconvenience, all because TP will only make payment for plans sold to Paypal.
It is not difficult for the coaches to give bank account details and TP pay direct to the bank account rather than to a Paypal account. Why is this not an option?