Add pre-scripted Warm-Up's to 'Workout Builder'
It would be nice to have a 'Warm-Up Library' where you can add your own different kind of WU's: (repeated)sprints, progressive efforts, high cadence spin ups, torque efforts. To then access these in the workout builder, to drag them for a workout. Would be time-efficient, and a good way to differentiate more in WU.
Christoph Kassas commented
Hi, Yes this is a great idea. We need this functionality. This is probably the feature Im missing most in Trainingpeaks as Im always adjusting warmups etc. based on current moxy data. I moved from Azum to TrainingPeaks one year ago a they had a cool feature using codes for their workout builder so I was able to copy/paste the code for the warmups easily to each workout. This was super time efficient especially when working with 20+ athletes.