Enhanced user interface for coaches for improved workflow
The current TrainingPeaks views for coaches (Flex and beta versions) are basically a collection of individual athletes without many features for managing multiple athletes. These views treat the coach view as a big filing cabinet of individual athletes, each in their separate drawers. This requires the coach to go through each filing drawer individually. In Flex you can open two filing drawers next to each other, which is nice, but not nearly enough. With a true "coach view," a coach's workflow would be enhanced to improve reviewing, planning, analyzing, and communicating with both individual athletes and groups of athletes.
While this idea could involve a LOT of new features/functions, below are some ideas and a mock-up interface that would enhance common tasks for coaches that are already done in TrainingPeaks; no new features, just easier ways of seeing what's already in all those filing cabinet drawers.
Mock-up image: https://db.tt/yrLiUQMG (and attached)
Screencast: http://youtu.be/yZmxiQwbpTs (3 min.; describes the main ideas of this interface idea)
Coach View
** Single view displaying a week of multiple athletes's workouts **
- Multiple athletes displayed together...
> Review/preview calendars of multiple athletes on ONE screen
> Enable quick review of athletes' recent workout posts, upcoming workouts/races, and what planning or review needs to be done for which athletes.
> Open quick view on a workout for an athlete with one click, then expand for more detail or close it and easily view another athlete's workout.
- Allow navigation of dates to look ahead or back (particularly useful at the start or end of a week to see adjacent days).
- Focus on a single athlete by using an "expand" button to focus on just that athlete's calendar (like current single-athlete calendar view)
Some corresponding sidebar updates would help this workflow....
Sidebar updates
** Faster access to frequently used functions with less clicks **
- Collapse/expand sidebar groupings (per attached mock-up; most recent view saved from session to session)
- Load athlete/group view by simply clicking picture/icon (no clicking to see pop-up then clicking again to "Load")
- Filters for narrowing down athlete list (like Flex version)
- Saved filters: less clicks for frequently-used views (again, a single-click option to load these views)
- Drag and drop between athlete list and manual groupings (e.g., group, category, athlete type) to edit lists
Workout Library improvements needed....
- Persistent selection of a workout library; the most recently used workout library should automatically be selected whenever leaving then returning to the Workout Library. Currently, I must select and load the desired library every time I hide or navigate away from the Workout Library tab.
- Search in the Workout Library needs to be at least on par with the Flex version of TP. In Flex, it is possible to enter punctuation in the search and get results. In the beta it is not possible to enter punctuation in the search field, limiting the search functionality--and breaking my entire workout planning workflow that includes simple numerical coding for different types of workouts (e.g., level 4.1, level 4.2, level 4.3 to indicate various level 4--threshold--workouts). All manner of punction needs to be allowed (.,:;!-`+=@#& etc.).
Other enhancements for coaches....
- Training zone pop-up button for each athlete so they can quickly be referenced when planning workouts with a single click and without changing views.
- Single day totals (like in Flex version)--pointing at the date in the Flex version gives a pop up that totals all the planned and completed workouts, plus nutrition on that date. A daily total view is a great way to see an overall picture for the day (all workouts completed? nutrition logged, etc.) that is not really available in any other context (workout view doesn't total the day, and only within weekly summaries is it possible to see a day's totals).

There is a lot of great feedback, suggestions, and some known bugs in here. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. We are working towards many of these things already, hopefully for later this year. I am going to mark this as “Considered” so you get your votes back.