Eliminate IF from TSS per week chart and add "show planned"
The TSS per week (bar) chart could be a useful tool but is cluttered with IF data and would be even better if it could "show planned" TSS. I have no idea how someone, neither coach nor athlete, could value a measure of "IF per week". Even if TP wanted to maintain the ability to track IF per day, the chart would best stand-alone and not be combined with the TSS trend chart. WKO+ provided this feature and it was very helpful.

We will be adding the planned data to all the charts in the web-app, same as it was in classic. In the meantime, you can graph planned and actual TSS using the Workout Summary Chart in the mobile apps.
Anonymous commented
this seems to be a dup of https://peaksware.uservoice.com/forums/106657-trainingpeaks-customer-feedback/suggestions/17774995-show-planned-tss-in-tss-by-week-day-chart
can you merge the votes on these?
Anonymous commented
Hi, I still don't see how to add Planned TSS to any graphs. I want to see my work out plan for the next 6 months by TSS. I don't care about distance duration Etc.. How do I do that?