Update workouts in plans after editing in library
Here's how I think this could work. When you update a workout in your library, there could be a radio button that says "update workouts across all plans". When I make edits to a workout to improve it, sometimes it'd be nice to be able to make sure it's updated in all workouts. Sometimes this isn't necessary or desired, so having the option would be good. thanks
Megan Tobin commented
TOTALLY CONCUR and if this is hard to do, I REALLY would love if, when I edit a workout and save it, I could at least SEE what Training Plans it has been applied to so I can update them. I get that if I update a workout it does not automatically update that workout in a training plan, and I can see some reasons why you would not want that. BUT If there is a broken link, or something changes, and I fix a workout, I want to make sure I get to correct it in all Training Plans. So, seeing all plans the workout has been included in OR being able to search Training Plans by workout name and seeing which ones it is in!